Vulcan: Agreement for proposed strategic partnership for Central Lithium Plant including equity financing
ASX Release 27 April 2023 ASX:VUL FSE:VUL Fast Facts Issued Capital: 143,435,301 Market Cap (@$5.73): $822m Contact Level 2 Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH 267 St Georges Terrace Amalienbadstraße 41 Bau 53 Perth WA 6000 Australia 76227 Karlsruhe 08 6189 8767 Agreement for proposed strategic partnership for Central Lithium Plant including equity financing Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd. (Vulcan, the Company; ASX: VUL) has signed a Term Sheet agreement with Nobian GmbH (Nobian)for the formation of a 50/50 joint venture over, and equity financing of, Vulcan’s Central Lithium Plant (CLP), which forms part of Vulcan’s Zero Carbon Lithium™ Project (Transaction). The strategic partnership is subject to the parties entering into definitive agreements, which are targeted to be completed within 10 weeks from the date of the term sheet. The planned CLP is contained within a Joint Venture Special Purpose Vehicle known as SPV2, and the Transaction is envisaged to be based on the terms set out bel...